Fledgling Gamedev's Guidelines

Here are some general guidelines that should help to get your first gamedev projects proceed, and even completed in a reasonable time.

0. Prepare to sacrifice your time and effort
Ok, you have idea for a game. But are you ready to make the effort to implement it? If you want to get your ideas ready, most likely you got to do it yourself. No one else will do it for you.

1. Start with something small and simple. 
If your first game project is large and complex, you probably won't finish it.

2. Select an engine that fits to your game. 
There is no need to shoot birds with cannon. Try different engines and use the one that fits for your purposes.

3. Create lots of prototypes and small games. 
Select the ones that work for further development. Gather experience on suspended and unfinished projects. 

4. Test the mechanics in early phase. 
Find out if game mechanics is working as soon as you have working prototype. Try to define game's "fun factor" and ask what others think.  

5. Build Network. 
Connect with other gamedevs. Find gamedev communities (there are lots of them). 

6. Use your family and friends for testing. 
Aim to get honest feedback. 

7. Team up.
Team up with others to complement your missing skills (in case you have one :) )

8. Share ideas and experiences. 
How did you solve problems? What was the reason for your latest project to fail? People want to hear about your creative work!

9. Don't fear failures. 
Take risks, be unique. You will learn from your mistakes!

10. Finalize your best concepts! 
Don't leave them in a drawer to collect dust. 

11. Prepare for continuous learning.
Actively improve your skills and learn from your doings. Aim to exit from your comfort zone. 

12. Have fun!
Do what you like. Like what you do. Enjoy being creative. If you don't like gamedev, then you probably are not happy when doing it. 

That's it. I have collected these as being Fledgling Game Developer for last couple of years. Personally, I'm not complied with all of these, but I guess following these might help. :)



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