Rocket Santa 2016: Season's Greetings!

We have been creating Christmas themed game for last couple years. For 2014 it was "Turbomole Xmas run" (flash), and for 2015 "Rocket Santa" (android).

This year WestSloth Games proudly presents: "Rocket Santa 2016" (android, removed from Play Store).

The story in the game is simple: mischievous aliens have stolen gift boxes from Santa, and he is trying to get back as many as he can. Santa can fly by using mysterious gas powered butt rocket. The amount of "rocket fuel" is limited and it can be gathered up more by catching ginger breads or gift boxes. So you have to help Santa to collect stuff and at the same time dodge nasty aliens!

For this game we took base mechanics from "Flying Dachshund" Android-game, where player controlled little sausage dog by tapping the screen.

Dachshund graphics were replaced with the graphics from original Rocket Santa. Also, some new graphics was introduced. So in priciple this game is kind of a "asset flip". :)

Check game introduction from Youtube:

In any case, this is our (WestSloth Games) way to wish You happy holidays!



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