New project: "Bananamarine"

Hi for a long time!

Despite the silence WestSloth Games is alive and kickin'. :) I have been working on our next title for couple months, and now it seems that full release can be done within couple of weeks.

The name of the game is Bananamarine and currently we have plan to publish it only for Android devices. This will be our first game developed with Unity3D and C#.

Player will control small yellow submarine called "Bananamarine". There will be pearls to be collected and mines to be dodged. Also, a mixed selection of very special marine organisms are swimming in this game.

If interested, please check attached video from Bananamarine playtest. Basic functionality is working pretty fine and some features are still to be added. All graphics is drawn by me (unfortunately), so please don't mind so-called "coder-art". :)

That's all from us at the moment. Be prepared for full launch within June 2017!



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