Indie Game Marketing Trial

As you might have noticed, our first Unity3D game "Bananamarine: Endless Submarine Tap Adventure" was released for couple of weeks ago. This time we decided to put some more effort on game marketing than we have done before: We even had a marketing budget of some tens of Euros (or Dollars), instead of the normal flat-zero budget for our previous games. :)

Our target for this trial was to get some experience how game visibility and number of downloads could be increased. Our expectations are not too high, but we just want to see if something really can be done to get things going better.

First we started testing how easy it is to increase number of followers for Bananamarine Facebook page with paid advertising. After 10 days and less than 10 Euros spent we had over 350 followers. But we must admit that advertising was targeted to very low cost countries. Anyways, now our simple FB page looks more street-credible than before the campaign. :)

We also did some "few days and few dollars" -style campaigns at Facebook for single updates on FB page. Generally it seems that you can get easily few dozen of "likes" for your update with very small stake, especially if target audience is well-chosen.

Our biggest single investment to improve game visibility was related to ASO (App Store Optimization). Based on several articles it seems that very large number of consumers will find their apps using search engine. So we decided to invest another 10 Euros to the professionally written and ASO optimized app description to see how it could improve Bananamarine visibility in Google Play Store. A suitable writer was selected from, and he delivered incredibly good app description and title within couple of days. If you do not believe, then look at the Bananamarine page at Play Store.

To support this great app description we also bought game icon from from another skilled professional for $5. For me the resulting icon looks a lot better than my own drawing we were using in the beginning.

So, summa summarum, we have used around 30 dollars for Bananamarine indie game marketing efforts. Now we just wait and see how things are going in the next weeks (or months).



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